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5 Free Tips To Get More Visitors To Your Website Fast! | Storm Internet

5 Free Tips To Get More Visitors To Your Website Fast! | Storm Internet

More traffic equals more sign-ups, likes, views and ultimately customers. While you can pay for traffic, there are a surprising number of things you can do for free that you probably haven’t taken advantage of yet!

A really helpful analogy for website owners, I learned several years ago from my SEO mentor was to think of the Internet as the ocean and your website as a net.

This analogy is most helpful in pieces, so let me explain; The internet is an ocean full of potential visitors to your website, but the same way there are millions of different kinds of fish in the sea, there are a million different kinds of people you can bring to your website.

When you think of your website as a net, you realize it can only hold so many people or prospects (this is your marketing budget or simply the amount of hours you can spend per day trying to get people to your site) you need to make sure that you maximize the size of your net by picking the right kinds of visitors to ensure that the right kinds of people end up in your net!

No matter what your website is about, getting more visitors is super important! Whether you sell products or services or simply spread information, the more people come to your website, the more successful you are going to be!

There are a million different ways to get traffic depending on why you need it, your website and your budget. For the sake of this article, we’re going to focus on some easy free things you can do right away to start getting more traffic to your website in the next few days.

Without any further ado, let’s talk about

5 Free Ways To Get More Visitors To Your Website Fast!

  • Optimize for ALL search engines and add your website to Chrome. The first and most obvious way to get more traffic to your website is to make sure that your site is easy to find not just in Google, but in other search engines like Yahoo and Bing. Another easy but often overlooked way to get better search engine traffic is to make sure that your website has been added to Google Chrome as many people use Chrome as their primary search engine and being ranked in Google is not the same as being ranked in Chrome. Lastly make sure that your website is fully optimized for mobile. The latest Kerigan Marketing Report reveals that mobile traffic is at 25% of total traffic and climbing rapidly with up to a 19.6% increase coming in 2016. That’s not to mention that mobile and tablet sales have far surpassed desktop and laptop sales. Optimizing your sites for all of these specific requirements is the easiest best free way to get more traffic.
  • Write Guest Blogs. Another great way to get free traffic to your website is to write a guest blog for a popular blog in your niche or industry. When you write a guest blog you get three different distinct benefits. The first is that if you write a great article, the blog owner will let you include a link to your own website at the bottom of the post. Not only will this get more traffic to your website, it will also help you get your posts shared on the social media sites and increase the chances of the post going viral. The second benefit of writing guest blogs is that it portrays you as an authority in your industry or niche. If you write a guest blog that is widely read or distributed you can even look like the biggest expert in a given industry. The last benefit of writing a guest blog is that it allows you to build relationships with other bloggers in your industry or related ones. This can be invaluable and lead to everything from joint ventures to connections or new clients as well as increased traffic.
  • Start A Podcast. Another great free way to get more traffic to your website is to start a podcast. The key to launching a successful Podcast is to get your podcast into ITunes “New and Noteworthy” section, there’s a specific process I can’t get into in this blog post for making this happen but suffice to say that if you can speak into a microphone and are willing to record 7-10 episodes upfront before launching almost anyone can achieve “New and Noteworthy” status. Much like blog posts, podcasts have a variety of benefits outside of bringing traffic to your website.
  • Use Social Media. Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram can be a great source of traffic. There are a variety of ways to use social media to get more traffic to your website depending on your budget. Options range from buying popular Instagram or Facebook pages to paying for sponsored posts on the pricey end to posting and curating engaging content on the free side. At the very least you should be using social media as another avenue to gain exposure for your business.
  • Create Videos On YouTube. While many people believe that Yahoo or Bing is the world’s 2nd biggest search engine after Google, in reality it’s YouTube. YouTube has more searches than any site other than Google online. So it’s a great idea to create a short YouTube video with some of the keywords related to your website. You can film a short commercial style video with your web camera or use programs like Gotcha or Camtasia to create a screencap. You’d be amazed at how much consistent traffic a short video on YouTube can bring you especially over the long term as your video gains views and relevancy.


Now that you have these 5 easy ways to bring more traffic to your website explained for you, it’s up to you to start using these tactics and techniques to increase the size of your net and bring in a larger haul of prospects!

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