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How Cloud Computing Is Affecting Everyday Life | Storm Internet

How Cloud Computing Is Affecting Everyday Life | Storm Internet

In many respects, we are taking today’s technological advances for granted, forgetting that sophisticated computers and intelligent machines are still fairly new. We’ve become overly dependent on our computers and smartphones, but then we can’t be blamed. After all, technology has made everything easy – from the way we work to the way we live our lives.

Cloud computing, in particular, has gained plenty of popularity in all industries due to the benefits it brings to businesses. However, that is not the only thing important about cloud computing – its impact on the everyday life is also quite noticeable. Although we rarely notice it, cloud computing has influenced us significantly – from how the news is reported and how we communicate to aspects of economics and how we access information.

Social Impact

One of the most noticeable effects of cloud computing is its social impact. Nowadays, any event can become widely known around the globe, no matter from where it comes. The platforms on which information goes viral, such as Google and YouTube are great indicators of how the circuit of information changed and of the kind of interactions taking place between people. Regular people now play an active role in collecting and reporting the news. Armed with just a phone and a social media account, they’ve become “citizen journalist,” disseminating news and information and generating content.

Facebook has become a good example of how people connect or even reconnect with an online community. Finding old friends or colleagues has never been easier. Even more, the social media world is widely used by politicians and public figures as a way of getting a feel of the crowd and also gaining as much visibility as possible.


All of this combined with the developments in cloud computing has fused and developed numerous analytical abilities. Specifically, businesses are now getting most of their information from cloud-based information resources and social platforms. As a result, their insights regarding customer requirements, services and innovations are better and more targeted than ever before.

Economics have had a lot to gain from cloud computing as well, and this is particularly noticeable in the developing countries. Now it is easier for businesses and key services to have access to data storage, IT support and applications without having to spend too much money on management and set-up of IT infrastructures.


The education institutions have rapidly realized the benefits of cloud computing as well, such as the ability to process billing, to access the data from anywhere, or the ability to store a great amount of information with fewer expenses. Education is helped there by cloud computing as well, and students now have access to materials, websites and communities that are cloud knowledge-sharing, allowing them to grow and develop more.

Without any doubt, integrating the classic tools with the new technology of cloud computing can require some work, but Storm Internet can give you all the information and services that you might need. That way, you can have access to a new world of information and possibilities.

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