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Referral Scheme – Earn 20% Commission! | Storm Internet

Referral Scheme – Earn 20% Commission! | Storm Internet

Our greatest source of growth has been word of mouth from our happy customers and we’d like to show our thanks by giving you money back for every paying account you refer.​

How does it work?

For every referral you send our way we will give you 20% cash back from their first payment. For example, if they purchase one of our Reseller Windows packages at £399.99 annually, you will get £80 cash back just for referring them, alternatively a server on an annual basis for £2000 will earn you £400!

What do I need to do?

Simply give the person you would like to refer your unique affiliate code (please contact us if you are unsure what yours is) which they must enter in the “Promotional/Discount Code” box upon checkout. We will then credit you with a cash payment of 20% of the first payment sale value received*. It’s as simple as that!

If you’d rather set your client up with us over the phone feel free to give us a call, we can help get your referral’s account set up and simply send them the payment details. Upon their payment, your referral will then be logged on your account.

Contact us for more information on our referral scheme by calling 0800 817 4727 or emailing us at [email protected]

*Terms and Conditions

  • Lifetime hosting packages are not included in this offer.
  • Payment will be made once your account balance reaches £50.
  • Payment will be made after customer has been with Storm Internet for 30 days.
0800 817 4727