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Managing a WordPress Website? External Vulnerability Scanners Can Boost Your Security

Defiant, the company behind the popular WordPress security plugin Wordfence (4 million+...

Cloud Hosting

The Benefits of PCI Compliance for Cloud Security (even when you don’t store card data)

Roughly 56% of organisations have difficulty finding the necessary skills to protect...


Enabling HTTPS on your website: The importance of secure connections

HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) provides secure communication between a website and...


How to choose WordPress plugins for better website security | Storm Internet

WordPress powers 43% of all websites. The popular open-source CMS can be...


Storm virtual and dedicated servers: Premium PCI external vulnerability scans, for free | Storm Internet

Times are always interesting. If that not-so-ancient “ancient” Chinese curse - “May...


What Are The Different Types of Cyber Security? | Storm Internet

It's incredible to think that 30 years ago, we lived without the...


Shopping for a web host? Look for these must-have security features | Storm Internet

The Wordfence-WPScan whitepaper is out, shedding light on the state of Wordpress...


Whitepaper: 86 billion WordPress attacks in 6 months | Storm Internet

The 2021 Mid-Year WordPress Security Report is now publicly available. The joint...


I don’t store card details, I don’t need PCI! | Storm Internet

Why you should secure your data to PCI standards in light of...


Why Does Your Business Need PCI Compliance? | Storm Internet

Whether your business is a small start-up or large multi-site corporation, it...


Best Free Security Plugins for WordPress | Storm Internet

Wordpress is the most used content management system on the planet. Millions...


You’ve Been Hacked! What Steps Should You Take To Minimise Damage? | Storm Internet

It could happen to you. This is true of winning the lottery,...


Tips for Small Business Security | Storm Internet

Whether you’re a brand new startup or a mature small business, it...


The GDPR 3 weeks on | Storm Internet

GDPR nearly a month on: How has it affected you? The General...


Is your webcam watching you? | Storm Internet

Can Your Webcam Be Used To Spy On You? If you’ve ever...


What does Alexa know about you? | Storm Internet

What's more fun than having a virtual assistant who can respond to...


What’s the Safest Method of Cyber-communication? | Storm Internet

No electronic communication handled by companies can ever be seen as completely...


How to protect your data from disaster and be GDPR compliant | Storm Internet

The Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is coming into force soon and will...


The Cambridge Analytica Scandal and Your Business | Storm Internet

Over the past couple of weeks, the hashtag #DeleteFacebook has dominated personal...


What is a BYOD Policy and why is Important to Your Business’s security? | Storm Internet

There are many ways that your business’s security can be compromised from...


Secure hosting – why it is so important? | Storm Internet

What security measures can your business take to ensure the safety of...


How do you protect your laptop from a malicious attacks, threats and vulnerabilities | Storm Internet

Your laptop is vulnerable to different types of attacks.  Sure, you’ve crafted...


Is it a Phishing Email? | Storm Internet

Is it a phishing email or a real email? Email is now...

Latest News

Meltdown and Spectre Vulnerabilities | Storm Internet

You may be aware of the recent reports regarding the Meltdown and...

Cloud Hosting

Steps to Staying Secure Online | Storm Internet

Storm Internet offers total security with up-to-date protection and over 45,000 security...

Latest News

Petya/Petwrap Ransomware information | Storm Internet

As you may be aware, just under 24 hours ago a further...

Latest News

WannaCrypt Outbreak and How to Stay Safe | Storm Internet

Most people nowadays understand not to download suspicious software from obscure websites and...


Zombie and Bot Attacks | Storm Internet

Zombie and Bot Attacks What are Zombie and Bot attacks? If a...


Android Devices Vulnerable to Image Hack | Storm Internet

Own an Android device? Your phone and your website can be at...


Guard your business from three Drupal flaws | Storm Internet

Summary: If you have ever dealt with Managed Hosting Services and you run...


WordPress Encryption finally turned on for all websites | Storm Internet

Encryption of websites for security is significant in order to prevent them...

Latest News

Is Cybercrime Increasing and what to do to protect your organization? | Storm Internet

The Internet is constantly evolving and this presents organizations with the opportunity...


GDPR Post-Brexit. What Now? | Storm Internet

We recently posted a blog about the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)...


Latest Email Phishing Scam in the Wake of Brexit | Storm Internet

It’s been a strange and uncertain time since the EU Referendum results...


Top 10 Tips For Business Security Online | Storm Internet

Most small and medium size businesses do not spend much time thinking...

Press Release

What the GDPR Means for Your Business | Storm Internet

The European Union has made good on its promise to put rules...


What Can Small and Medium Businesses (SMEs) Do To Protect Their Business? | Storm Internet

Small and medium business owners often think cybercrime only happens to bigger...


What is a “Man in the Middle” Attack? | Storm Internet

Here we explain one of the hacker's most common tools, which is...


Firewalls and Internet Security: A Short Beginners Guide | Storm Internet

In the future, everything will be connected. It won't be just our...


Vulnerability in the design of SSL version 3.0 | Storm Internet

What is the security problem with SSL 3.0? What is its impact?...


SSL Certificates: What They Are & Why You Need Them | Storm Internet

The open nature of the Internet has enabled social and economic advancement...


PCI Compliance Changes | Storm Internet

Version 3.0 of PCI Data Security Standard has been in effect since...


Slowloris outbreak affecting newly updated WordPress sites | Storm Internet

Slowloris is one of the worst types of DOS (Denial-of-service) attacks to...


Critical Flaw in Magento leave Millions of E-Commerce Sites at High Risk | Storm Internet

Millions of current online shops are built using Magento. Hackers know this...


You Are Losing Money by Not Using Two-Factor Authentication | Storm Internet

Every major company, from Twitter to Google, Amazon, and Facebook use two-factor...

Latest News

Giving our customers a greater power of control with our new customer portal | Storm Internet

Here at Storm Internet we’re dedicated to providing you with the very...


Yet another web encryption vulnerability identified: LogJam | Storm Internet

A new vulnerability known as LogJam has been identified by an international...

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