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This form is to be used only by individuals who are not already customers of Storm Internet. If you are a customer and wish to raise a complaint, please log into your account by clicking here and raise a ticket specifing "Complaint" as the Issue Category. We take every complaint very seriously and a member of our customer service team will personally review your feedback. Please expect a response within 5 working days. All legal correspondence must be sent to our head office address as listed on this page. We will not accept legal notices sent to us electronically.
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To talk with one of our sales team, please call 0800 817 4727 or click here to start a Live Chat
We aim to respond to all emails within 4 hours and a maximum of one day
1 Canal View, Wharf Farm, Eynsham Road, Witney, Oxfordshire. OX29 4DB
Sale: 9am to 5pm – Monday to Friday
Support: 24/7/365
Please report any suspected non-authorised use of domains or services managed by us to:
A Trusted Partner